Job Hunting? Or, Know Someone Who Is?

3 Powerhouse Books to Read before Going into Job Interviews

Searching for jobs can be brutal. Here are 3 outstanding books to help anyone succeed in the most intimidating part of the process, the dreaded job interview.  If you know someone who’s searching for a new job, you may want to recommend these books to them.


1. AMAZING INTERVIEW ANSWERS is perfect for people who learn by example. It contains 44 commonly asked interview questions, along with 2 impressive answers for each question. This book also includes descriptions of what employers want to hear, and tips for what you should and shouldn’t say during interviews.

There are useful frameworks for preparing interview responses, including the P-E-N, the S-T-A-R, and the 30-60-90-Day frameworks.  The author also shares mini job descriptions for over 50 different jobs types, which are useful for preparing your customized interview answers.

With the tips in this book, you’ll be able to blow away your competitors with your amazing interview skills. This book is available in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook format.  Click here to order this book from Amazon.


2. KNOCK ‘EM DEAD JOB INTERVIEW includes more than 300 interview questions with brief explanations for ways to approach each question. It’s also full of tips including how to dress and what body language to use during interviews.

This book has advice on how to follow up after interviews and how to negotiate your job offer. It’s ideal for someone who wants direction from the early stages of job hunting through the final details involved with an offer.

This book is available in paperback and Kindle format. Click here to order this book from Amazon.


3. ACED is an inexpensive ebook with useful tips for finding your dream job and using technology to improve your job search. The author includes interview preparation tips and stress management techniques.

While it doesn’t have the variety of questions you’ll find in the other 2 books, it does have practical advice for anyone who is intimidated by the interview process. Click here to order this book from Amazon.


The combined cost of these 3 books is around $20, so you might want to get all 3. They’re perfect for giving yourself a competitive advantage over others who will try to outperform you in interviews. They’ll also make great gifts for anyone who’s in the job market.